Friday, November 14, 2008

The Thanksgiving Surprise by Peggy Archer

Here's another book with two names. It was originally published as Turkey Surprise but is not called The Thanksgiving Surprise. Two pilgrims go on a hunt to bring home the Thanksgiving turkey. The only problem is, Little Pilgrim Brother doesn't want turkey. He's sick of having turkey for Thanksgiving. When he sees the turkey on their hunt he pretends he doesn't see it. The turkey doesn't get eaten for Thanksgiving due to the the persuasive manner of Little Pilgrim Brother. The pilgrims go vegetarian for Thanksgiving instead!

sixteen runaway pumpkins by Dianne Ochiltree

This book is about a raccoon who collects pumpkins from the garden. He's doing great until he hits a bump and then he looses them. They roll down the hill and into Grandpa's kitchen, splat. The pumpkins have made a huge mess. Grandpa's not worried though, he decides to make pumpkin pie. This book helps kids to count!

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Silly Snowy Day or Ridiculous by Michael Coleman

My book is called A Silly Snowy Day but the one I found on the web is called Ridiculous so either name probably works. I found more hits on Ridiculous than Silly Snowy Day and after thinking about it Ridiculous makes a lot more sense than the other title. Shelly is a turtle who wants to experience winter but her parents tell her that is. . . ridiculous. Shelly doesn't believe them and adventures outside anyway and every creature she meets in the enchanted snowy land tells her the same thing. . . ridiculous. (See how Ridiculous makes a lot more sense?) She finally determines that everyone is right and goes back home in a unintentional high flying way. Since some of you might be heading into winter and snow this might be a good way to talk about seasons and hibernation, not only for bears.

Big Red Apple by Tony Johnston

This book is about how an apple seed can grow into a big apple tree. The pictures are interesting because they aren't drawn but rather the illustrator Judith Hoffman Corwin uses fabric and a quilting technique. It's a little gross because a worm and a bird eat part of the apple then a little boy comes along and eats the whole apple. That part was a little disturbing for me, I'm hoping he was poor and an orphan so that eating the apple can be justified. Looking at the pictures he looks like a clean well kept boy so I'm going to assume he just needs to take some time to inspect his food before he devours it. This book would be good for a reader who has a strong stomach and who is learning to read.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams

Your kids will love this book! The Little Old Lady is walking home when she is suddenly confronted by boots, a hat, gloves, pants, a shirt, and a scary pumpkin head. She is not scared of them because as the title says she is the Little Old Lady who was not afraid of anything. Those creepy clothes and pumpkin head are disappointed when they can't scare her and their purpose for being is destroyed until the Little Old Lady gives them a new purpose. This story is great for predicting.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Halloween Mice! by Bethany Roberts

Halloween is my favorite holiday, I love the colors, the smells, the decorations, everything about it. Bethany Roberts brings the holiday to mice. The mice have their own Halloween. They scamper through the yard and pumpkin patch to have some Halloween fun. They even pull some tricks on the local cat. This book will kick off your Halloween season.

If you Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff

Another great book! A mouse decides to drop by to visit you. You decide to give the mouse a cookie and when you give a mouse a cookie you are in for a busy day. After the cookie and some milk things turn into a downward spiral of events. Trust me, never give a mouse a cookie.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Leaves Are Falling One by One by Steve Metzger

I looked all over for the picture of this book but was unable to find one. This book is a remake of The Ants Go Marching. It is a great book for rhyme and repetition, kids will be able to pick up on the repetition and help 'read' the story with you. You can't help but sing this one a loud.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Chicken Little pictures by Laura Rader

This is one of the stories you've probably heard or at least saw the movie (I never did, was it good?). Chicken Little has an acorn fall on his tail and needs to go tell the king. He runs into several friends on the way to the king and convinces them the sky is falling. They find the king and tell him their terrible news. Fortunately the king isn't an idiot. He finds the acorn in Chicken Little's tail. They all go home after a long laugh. This is a great book if your child is learning how to rhyme or needs some more practice.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Fanny's Dream by Caralyn Buehner

I enjoyed this book from the first time I read it. I had never heard of the story until I attended a children's conference with the authors. The story is based on Fanny who wants to be the bell of the ball. Unfortunately for Fanny she isn't built like a dainty bell but is built more like a Clydesdale horse. She waits for her fairy godmother to come change her into a beautiful Cinderella look alike. Fanny is disturbed in her waiting by a local farmer. Heber doesn't sweep Fanny off her feet but he does have some land and a cabin which is enough to convince Fanny to marry Heber. Their life together is filled with joy and pain. One night when Fanny was going out to get a melon from the garden her fairy godmother finally arrives and offers Fanny an opportunity for another chance at the ball. This is a heartwarming book that will have you believing in everyday life. Caralyn Buehner based this story off of Cinderella and her Grandmother (or Great Grandmother) who lived in Wyoming.

Friday, September 19, 2008

There was and Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly by Simms Taback

I resisted this book for a long time. I know the saying is that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but I did. I admit it, I judged this book by its cover and I thought it looked weird. I broke down and bought it. I read it to my kids before I read it myself and I was completely thrown off guard. I loved it. The pictures were interesting but endearing. This is one of those must haves. Once again I should have listened to the saying and not judged the book by its cover. I could have enjoyed this book a lot more if I would have listened. Lesson learned!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Good Night, Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann

I remember reading this book when I was in school and enjoying it even then. I reread this to my students who were engaged the whole time. We all laughed at the end. The funny Gorilla walks behind the guard who is saying good night to all the animals in the zoo. The guards wife gets a huge surprise when all the zoo animals are in their bedroom. I guarantee you will enjoy this one.

The Missing Piece Meets the BIG O By Shel Silverstein

I have to admit that I am a fan of Shel Silverstein and have been since 8th grade. I love The Missing Piece. It has a lot of different layers that affect me each time. One of the meanings that I read into it is that you have to complete yourself before you can be happy with another person. Another person cannot change you, you must change yourself. Great for someone who is having a hard time with dating or fitting in.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Stephanie's Ponytail By Robert Munsch

One day Stephanie decided that she wanted to be different from the other kids in her school by wearing a ponytail. When she gets to school the other kids tell her the ponytail is ugly. Stephanie, being a strong willed individual, tells them she doesn't care what they think, she likes it. The next day Stephanie goes to school everyone is wearing ponytails just like Stephanie. The next morning Stephanie wants a side ponytail and everyone tells her it is ugly but the very next day they have side ponytails. This keeps going until Stephanie is so sick of all the copycats that she tells them she is going to shave her head! Everyone shaves their heads except Stephanie. This story sends a great message, that is best to be yourself. The kids in my class liked this story and I laughed when I read it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Lamb Who Came for Dinner by Steve Smallman

This story enchanted both me and my students. We loved it! We all wanted to read the story again and again. A hungry wolf gets an unexpected surprise from a little lost lamb. The wolf decides to make some lamb stew for dinner. The little lamb gets some hiccups and the wolf can't eat a hiccuping lamb, he might get indigestion. After finally getting rid of the hiccups the little lamb is tired and snuggles with the wolf. The wolf has never been snuggled with before and feels his heart start to melt. Before his heart melts all the way he starts smelling the delicious sent of lamb. He then remembers he was hungry but before he eats the little lamb he kicks her out of his house. The poor wolf has such a big heart he can't imagine the little lamb out there all alone so he saves her. I promise you won't be disappointed in this book.

Friday, August 15, 2008

On your way to kindergarten books

Here are some books that your new kindergarten student might like to read before they go. Hope they help!

Tom goes to kindergarten by Margaret Wild and David Legge

Tom always wants him parents to play with him but they are too busy. He's excited to go to Kindergarten where he will have friends to play with. The whole family goes to drop Tom off at kindergarten, when it comes time for Tom's family to leave Tom doesn't want him too. The teacher invites them to stay and so they do. They have so much fun that the next day they want to stay at kindergarten but they have to leave. After that they can't wait for Tom to come home so they can play.

Countdown to kindergarten by Alison McGhee and Harry Bliss

The little girl in this story is is BIG trouble! She doesn't know how to tie her shoes. The rummer going around is that when you go to kindergarten you are not allowed to ask for help to tie your shoes. She has ten days before school to learn. Will she make it? The little girl has a big personality in this book and is really funny. This is one of my favorite kindergarten books.

The Night Before Kindergarten by Natasha Wing

This book follows the classic night before Christmas poem. The children go to kindergarten and have a wonderful time playing and singing but the parents are having a problem leaving their little ones. They get tears in their eyes and give one last hug before they go.

Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come! by Nancy Carlson

Henry is going to Kindergarten. He's a little nervous but his mom helps him remember all the things he knows. She also tells him the things he might expect while he's there. Henry is feeling confident by the time they get to school but when he looks in and sees all the students he wants to go back home. His teacher invites him to come look around the classroom. Henry looks around and sees a lot of things that he already knows, numbers and letters. then he gets enough confidence to stay. This book would be great for kids who are a little anxious about the first day of kindergarten.

Kindergarten ABC by Jacqueline Rogers

This is a look and find book using the abc's. The students in the book talk about the different objects they see while in kindergarten. This book introduces vocabulary that your child might not know.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Froggy Goes to School by Jonathan London

Froggy is back for another adventure. With school being just around the corner I thought you might like to hear about a book about school. Froggy starts out by having a nightmare about school. He is anxious about what is going to happen. He gets to school and being a typical boy has a hard time sitting but he makes it through with flying colors. This is a humorous story that might help your child get ready for school.

Pirates Don't Change Diapers by Melinda Long and David Shannon

The pirates are back in another fun filled book! Jeremy's mom has gone to the store and left Jeremy, his dad, and his baby sister when the pirates come knocking on the door. Fortunately dad is asleep but Jeremy's little sister isn't. The pirates learn what it takes to be a babysitter. They have a lot of learning to do. In the end it all works out. I love these books! They are fabulous. I get a kick out of them.

How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long

Jeremy Jacob and his family are at the beach one day when what should appear but a pirate ship. Jeremy attempts to tell his parents about the ship but they were too busy setting everything up. The pirates come ashore and Jeremy soon becomes one of them. Jeremy learns all about how to be a pirate and how great it is. No one to tell you to brush your teeth, when to go to bed, or what to eat. He loves it until bed time. When Jeremy learns that pirates don't read bedtime stories, give kisses, or tuck in little boys he wants to go home. This story is hilarious. The illustrations are wonderful. This book is on my top 5 greatest books.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Russell the Sheep by Rob Scotton

This is one of those books that I can read over and over again and it still feels like the first time I've read it. The pictures are engaging. I love this book! Russell is a sheep who can't sleep. Poor guy is an insomniac. He tries to think of ways to fall asleep but he has no luck. He finally counts sheep to fall asleep and it works, unfortunately it's a little late and everyone else is awake. I like the pictures so well I would like some prints for my daughters room.

No, David! by David Shannon

"A few years ago, my mother sent me a book I made when I was a little boy. It was called No, David, and it was illustrated with drawings of David doing all sorts of things he wasn't supposed to do. The text consisted entirely of the words "no" and "David." (They were the only words I knew how to spell.) I thought it would be fun to do a remake celebrating those familiar variations of the universal "no" that we all hear while growing. Of course, "yes" is a wonderful word...but "yes" doesn't keep crayon off the living room wall."
-- David Shannon

I enjoyed this book. It was a humorous take on very active little boys. I'm not sure how the house survived David, from playing baseball in the house to playing pirates in the bathtub. In the end David does get a 'yes' from his mother and it melted my heart. My husband read this book to our daughter and was not impressed with the book. He wasn't a fan of the drawings. I enjoyed the drawings though.

eyelike shapes

They have a complete line of these books; colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. I only have the colors and shapes but would jump at the chance to buy the others. These books let children explore the world around them. The Shapes book also includes patterns. Your child will find shapes in places they never knew existed. The pictures are amazing!

eyelike colors

This book is a colorful adventure. It shows all the colors in their natural environment. The book displays the spectrum of each color. It also has poems to go along with the colors. Each page is bright, vibrant, and can hold any child's attention. Even my 8 month old will look at all the colors and pictures. Great teaching tool for kids.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney

This book would be a great gift for someone special in your life. Big Nutbrown Hare is about to put Little Nutbrown Hare to sleep when Little Nutbrown Hare tries to explain how much he loves Big Nutbrown Hare. At first he loves him as far as his arms can stretch. Then to the river and back. In the end he loves him as far as the moon. Good story to read to a child to express how much you love them.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Because a Little Bug went ka CHOO! by Rosetta Stone

This is a great story. It's not Dr. Seuss which is a little deceiving since the Cat in the Hat is right on the cover. A little bug sneezes and starts the story off. Since the bug sneezes everything goes haywire. This story would be very appropriate for teaching children about cause and effect. I was a little confused about the author. I wasn't sure if it was a woman named Rosetta Stone or if it was the company Rosetta Stone. Maybe the author is the person who started Rosetta Stone, that would be appropriate.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Do Your Ears Hang Low? by Dorothea DePrisco Wang

You can't help sing this book out loud. It has touch and feel parts although don't be to excited about those. They are just felt and they all feel the same. It has a lot of rhyming, a skill that helps children read. The pictures are cute. My daughter looked and looked at this book. The book also has pull out tabs. Those are pretty neat.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Little Critter Sleeps Over by Mercer Mayer

If you are looking for a book that both you and your child will enjoy Little Critter is the answer. Your probably thinking that I'm bias and I am, I love Little Critter books. In this book Little Critter is going over to a rich friends house for a sleep over. I would be so exhausted after all the activities they do, swimming, playing with the train set, volleyball, crochet, and hide and seek. Then they eat dinner. It is a fancy dinner where the napkins are shaped like hats, so Little Critter puts it on his head. After dinner they watch a little tv and then off to sleep. Little Critter gets scared but hugs his teddy bear and pretends he's at home. The next day they play in the hose with Froo Froo, a dog. Froo Froo gets muddy and runs into the house. Little Critter and his friend have to stop Froo Froo from getting the house dirty and take off after her. The house is a mess when they finally catch her. After the Froo Froo incident it's time for Little Critter to go home. I'm sure he wanted to stay longer but his friends mom appeared to be frazzled by him.

No Dinosaurs at Chruch by Melonie Park

This book is about a little boy who is going to church. He is a typical boy who has a fantastic imagination and who seems a little high strung. He starts to get ready for church and he decides he's an elephant. His mom tells him, "No elephants at church." The little boy pretends he's a bird, elephant, and a monkey. Each time his family and teacher tell him no and then he focuses on the lesson or speaker. I was a little disappointed at the end of the book, I thought they would tell the little boy something he could do at church or try to channel his energy into something else. This might be a good book for children who are having a challenging time focusing at church.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Ellie The Perfect Dress for Me! by C.M. Rubin

Ellie is back. This time she has her name down but needs a little help finding the perfect dress for her cousin's wedding. This cousin is either extremely lucky or a gold digger because she is marrying a billionaire. There are several VIPs coming with even a guest appearance from the president. She asks a friend who tells her more is better than less. Ellie's grandpa wants her to dress like him in a tux. Her mom can't decide what color will look best but finally decides on red. Her grandmother wants her to wear an antique dress. Each dress is wrong and Ellie just can't find the right one. Finally she has it. She wears a little something from each one! Everyone thinks she looks fabulous, even the president. This book, like the other one is a little wordy for young ones. These books would be good for little ones who are trying to discover who they are.

Eleanor, Ellatony, Ellencake, and Me by C.M. Rubin

I think most if not all of us go through the same thing that Eleanor goes through in this book. Nicknames! She was named Eleanor but just doesn't fit into the mold of Eleanor. Each family member has a different name for her. Just like the title says, Ellatony, Ellencake, Elle. After going through several different names and asking a grown up who's had these troubles she finally explodes and lets every one know what she wants her name to be. This book is a little wordy for little ones but appropriate for older children.

Friday, July 11, 2008

A Pocket Full of Kisses by Audrey Penn

This is the sequel to The Kissing Hand. In this one Chester is adjusted to school and everything is going great except he has a new little brother. He's going through some jealousy of all the attention Ronny is getting. In fact he wants to give him back, which I'm sure most older siblings want to do. Ronny is fine at first but then he starts playing with Chester's toys and he's following him wherever he goes, how annoying. Mrs. Raccoon tells Chester that Ronny just wants to be like him and she gives him a kiss in the middle of his palm. Chester is feeling like he's on top of the world until. . . Mrs. Raccoon gives Ronny a kiss in the middle of his palm! Chester freaks out, of course. Mrs. Raccoon in her ultra smoothing way comforts Chester and tells him she'll never run out of love for him. Then because he's the big brother he gets something extra special, he gets a kiss for his pocket. Which ultimately makes Chester feel better. This book would be excellent for older siblings who might need a little reassurance that they are always loved.

The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn

This is a book that might help a child who is going through a hard time. The foreword says it's "for a child who confronts a difficult situation." Maybe they are having separation anxiety or are confused and afraid after the death of a loved one. The book is about a little raccoon named Chester. He doesn't want to go to school. His mom tells him that sometimes we have to do things we don't want to, isn't that the truth. Chester's mom tries to ease his anxiety by explaining what he will do at school and then she tells him about the kissing hand. She spreads his hand into a fan and then kisses the palm. Whenever he feels lonely or needs a little encouragement he can put his hand on his cheek and know that his mom loves him. He's able to go to school and know that he is loved.

Just A Mess By Mercer Mayer

These books are classic. I love the Little Critter books. They just make me laugh. In this one Little Critter needs help finding his baseball mitt. He looks everywhere for it but just can't find it. His mom tells him to look in his room and hey while he's there he should probably clean it. I love the mom, she's not enabling at all. He asks for her help but she tells him, "You made the mess, so you can clean up the mess." He asks his family for help, his little sister tells him no and the baby didn't understand. So he does it himself. He shoves a few things in the closet, attempts to put his clothes in the closet and uses the shovel to pick up his games. When he's done his bed is lopsided because of all the things stuffed under it. He decides to wash the floor (with the hose!) but his mom says no so he vacuums instead. In the end he finds his mitt. I think these are classic books because everyone knows a little boy like Little Critter. I can recall doing some of the same things he did, like shoving things into the closet. His books always make me giggle.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Without You by Sarah Weeks

This book has excellent pictures. They are beautifly done and will hold your kids attention and your attention. The book describes how the emperor penguin lives and hatches their eggs. I get chocked up almost everytime I read this book. I barely didn't crying when I read this book to my class. It's one of those feel good books that you want to read again and again. I read this to my daughter and give her a big hug. After we've read this book together I feel like we've had great bonding time.

Signing Time!

I had never heard of this until my Mother-in-law introduced it to me. Rachel and her friends Alex and Leah teach children how to sign. They sing lots of catchy songs and repeat the sign several times. I have the alphabet dvd and I find myself singing their songs all the time. I think that they are on PBS but I don't get that station so I'm not sure. You can find clips of the dvd's on utube to preview them or you can go to their website at I have enjoyed my one dvd so much that I would like to have more of them.

Earthquack by Margie Palatini

I bought this book without reading it first or hearing too much about it. I enjoy picture books with no abundance of words. I think picture book words should be brief and to the point. Most of the time the children who are reading the book or having the book read to them have a hard time maintaining focus when a book goes on and on. My first impression when getting this book was, "Wow, that's a lot of words!" I even passed it up when reading books to my kindergarten students. I didn't want to get half way through it and have all my students day dreaming about before the book had started. The nice thing about this book is it would be a great introduction to a discussion on earthquakes and rhyming. Little Chucky Ducky feels what he thinks is an earthquake and rushes off to warn all of his friends. They run into a weasel who wants breakfast, lunch and dinner out of Chucky Ducky and his friends. Luckily they discover the weasel before they become stew and also discover the reason for all the quakes. Here is a link to activities that correlate with the book.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Corduroy by Don Freeman

I remember reading this book as a kid. I enjoyed it then and I enjoy it now. It's one of those books that have lasted through the ages and will continue to last. Corduroy is a little bear that lives in the toy department. He tries to get people to buy him and one day a little girl wants to buy him but her mother tells her no because she has no more money and he's missing a button. Poor Corduroy misses out on having a family. That night he goes out in search for his missing button. He looks around the department store and finds a button, unfortunately it's attached to a mattress. He's a pretty strong little bear and pulls the button off the mattress and pushes a lamp over. Which causes the night gaurd to come and check. He sees Corduroy under the sheets (for some reason this doesn't freak the night gaurd out but personally if the bear magically appeared under the sheets and I didn't know how it got there I'd be a little disturbed). He puts Corduroy back in the toy department. The next day the little girl comes back to buy him and Corduroy gets a home and family. There is a sequel to the book, A Pocket for Corduroy. I haven't read it or if I have it's been a long time. If you have read it let us know what you thought about it.

Rooster's Off to See the World by Eric Carle

Silly Rooster wants to see the world but before he gets very far he decides he needs some companions. He cons some cats, frogs, turtles, and some fish to come along with him. Before long it gets dark and everyone gets cold and hungry. The Rooster really didn't make great plans for the trip so he has nothing to feed them or any place to sleep. They all decide to go back home even the moon disapears. Rooster goes home and dreams about a wonderful trip around the world. This book is great to help kids who are starting to add and subtract. There are pictures in the corner to helps kids visualize the addition and subtraction.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Learning Station

Ok here's another cd that you will really enjoy. The Learning Station is a great group that has tons of cd's. They have conferences, workshops, and even do live concerts. Their songs are to help kids learn and to get them moving. They are dedicated to family and learning. My class loved the songs and would even request them at music time.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Froggy Goes to the Doctor by Jonathan London

If you haven't read any of the Froggy books yet, DO! They are fabulous. Froggy is hilarious. In this wonderfully crafted tale Froggy visits the Doctor, poor Doctor. He goes through a whole check up with Dr. Mugwort barley surviving. Froggy does everything wrong including forgetting his underwear and has to wear paper ones his mom makes for him. In the end Froggy makes it through the check up with everything just fine.

Snowmen at Christmas by Caralyn and Mark Buehner

You'll soon learn that I enjoy Caralyn and Mark Buehner books. They have a talent of telling a wonderful story and illustrating it beautifully. The snowmen decide that it isn't fair that us humans have Christmas so they have their own. They sing carols, have snow cones, go sledding, they even have Kris Kringle pop on by to deliver snow presents. This book will entertain your kids for hours. Mark has added a cat, a rabbit, a Santa face, a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and a little brown mouse in each picture. It's a challenge to find them all and a lot of kids are up to the task.

Dr. Jean

I know that this is not a book but I must tell you that if you are looking for some great kids music that will have you tapping your foot and singing along this is it! Dr. Jean is fabulous. I played the songs to the students in my classroom and they loved them. She sings some silly songs that will have you laughing. We used some of her songs for our Kindergarten Graduation program which were a hit with the parents. She has some classic songs that I sang at summer camp and she puts twists on songs you thought you knew. I recommend all of her cd's.

Olivia's Opposites by Ian Falconer

Olivia shows opposites. This is the only book I've read of Olivia's and based on this book I might not buy another one. I need to go to the library and check some other ones out to decide if I'm a big fan of Olivia's. This book is very easy so I wouldn't recommend it for older readers. Some of her actions are amusing. It would help children with their vocabulary and understanding opposites.

That's not my monster. . .

The little mouse is trying to find it's monster but has to go through so many other monsters who all have something wrong like their nose is to bobbly or their horns are to rough. It's a fun touch and feel book that kids enjoy. The colors are bright and the monsters are all wacky. It might even help the kids that are afraid of monsters in their closet or under their bed. Although I'm sure it won't cure all of kids fears.

Kisses by Nanda Roep and Marijke ten Cate

At first this book wasn't one of my favorites. It seemed a little simplistic. The book is about a little raccoon that wants a goodnight kiss and her daddy goes through all the different kind of kisses there are; a grandma kiss, a circus kiss, and a monster kiss to name a few. Then I read the book to my daughter and found that it was more entertaining when I tried to recreate the kisses for her. She laughs when we read the book and I love to give the kisses to her. Now we enjoy a little extra bonding with this book.

Tails by Matthew Van Fleet

Tails is a story about just that, tails. It is a touch and feel book. It's for children ages 2 to 5 but my 6 month old baby loves to feel the different textures. There are plenty of different animals to look at and lots of different tails to feel. The pages flip out and there are several places to pull that make the tails move. There is also the wonderful scratch and sniff sticker for the skunk! It has rhymes and wonderful pictures that will make you giggle (if you're the giggling sort). If you are looking for a great book that will entertain even the smallest of ones this is it. Look out though this fabulous book will set you back $13.95.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


I was a teacher for a couple of years before my first child was born and am now a stay at home mom. I would always buy books for scholastic and most of the time I wouldn' t know if the books were any good or not. So now I'm taking the guess work out of book buying for you and writing about the childrens books that I've read. Hope you enjoy.